Wednesday, May 21, 2014

You've Probably Never Seen Before those  Beautiful Mushrooms 

Lactarius Indigo

Lactarius indigo are actually pretty large mushrooms. Like a couple inches tall, and as many as five inches in diameter. They're also edible, though reportedly not very good. 

Podoserpula Miranda

Podoserpula miranda, which lives only on the island of New Caledonia near Australia, was only discovered in 2009. 

Tricholomopsis Rutilans

Tricholomopsis rutilans are very common on the British Isles, which explains why it has the very British nickname "Plums and Custards."

Mycena Viscidocruenta

Mycena are a pretty ancient form of mushroom. They've found examples of them locked into amber from as far back as 17 million years ago.

Cyttaria Gunnii

Cyttaria gunnii are a parasitic mushroom that grows only in Australia on myrtle beech trees. Normally, their beautiful honeycomb structure is covered in an ugly, dull orange membrane. When sporing season comes around, however, look out!

Dictyophora Indusiata

Dictyophora indusiata comes froma family of mushrooms called "Phallus." You'll never guess why. Despite the unseemly name, though, Phallus mushrooms are widely eaten in East Asia.

Marasmius Pulcherripes

Most Marasmius mushrooms are really boring, brown mushrooms that no one cares about. Marasmius pulcherripes, however, is pretty awesome. Also pretty rare.

Campanella Caesia

Another tropical species, Campanella caesia are actually really closely related to the beloved Shitake mushroom. 


So tiny and delicate, Collybia mushrooms make their living sucking nutrients out of dead or decaying plant matter. 

Anthracophyllum Archeri

These mushrooms are actually relatively rare and live only in tropical forests. 

Hericium Erinaceus

Hericium Erinaceus, sometimes called Lion's Mane, likes to grow on the sides of trees, particurally American Beech trees. They range in size from tiny little mushrooms that can fit in your hand, to massive complexes you would need a wheelbarrow to move. 


The Ramaria family of fungi are frequently called "coral fungus" because they look like they belong in a coral reef instead of on the forest floor. A few are even edible. Many, though, are poisonous so watch out!


Nidulariaceae as also called Bird's Nest Fungi for obvious reasons. Those little egg-looking things inside are actually spores that fungus is waiting for perfect oppurtunity to launch into the air. 

Aseroe Rubra

Often called the "Starfish Fungus" Aseroe rubra is frequently found growing in mulches. It also smells rather terrible. 

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